
Hello everyone, I am looking for partners for the league. I want to say in advance that I don't care what your level and skill are, even if you lose it's not a big deal, after all, we are learning to play. I'll tell you a little about myself: I am sociable, I am not toxic, but sometimes I get a bit heated, but that's not the point. If I have caught your interest, then I am waiting for you. I hope we will become friends.
Looking for a positive partner/team on a regular basis, to relax and win, over tea and pleasant conversation. If we match in interests and play well together, then only for running in Clash/flexes and solo queue, or other games. The main thing is a good sense of humor (without unnecessary offenses) and a relaxed atmosphere. I rarely go into ranked, as dealing with local individuals alone is nerve-wracking.
Hi, I'm a casual player, I'm 16 years old and I'm a girl. I'm looking exclusively for girlfriends, please don't consider it sexism or anything, I just want friends) I main Nico and Kindred (I play better with Nico). I don't go into ranked, I'm scared :3 Your age doesn't matter to me, the main thing is that you are ready for sudden outbursts and bad words, but don't worry, it won't be directed at you, I'm waiting for everyone :з
In 2019, I was G1, but I took a long break and now I want to return to the league. I'm looking for non-toxic and calm people for casual games to start with normals, but later I plan to play ranked. Gender doesn't matter; 21+; preferably from Ukraine. I can play both support and ADC. Mid less often, the other lanes are not for me.
Looking for a positive partner/team on a regular basis, to relax and win, over tea and pleasant conversation. If we match in interests and play well together, then only for running in Clash/flexes and solo queue, or other games. The main thing is a good sense of humor (without unnecessary offenses), and a relaxed atmosphere. I rarely go into ranked, as my nerves can't handle the local individuals alone.