6838 looking for a partner.
Kalista mid player, Jhin main, played Shaco, Hecarim. Ready to be your support, especially if you crave to play crazy combos, like: Cho'Gath & Leona, Anivia & Poppy, etc. Ready to perfect such a combo to perfection. Also, I am looking for a confident jungler for Kalista or a support (especially Lulu players).
SUI Wiro#faint
SUI Wiro#faint
Tiis Namikaze#RU1
I would like to find partners for casual chill or ranked games in League in a party. It would be preferable if they are moderately adequate (rather not tilted), but we can also joke around, the main thing is to have a friendly atmosphere. You can add me both on Discord and just in the game. Basically, that's about it. Oh, I mainly play after 6 PM Moscow time. Now that's definitely all.
Kupriv, I'm looking for a girl to play normals / TFT / ARAMs, we play duo with a friend, but we can play solo, always happy to meet new people. I can also switch to any role, but I can't guarantee my skill. We play purely for fun, no insults towards you. Age doesn't matter as well as your skill, add me as a friend on Discord - puffman9999. I'll be waiting for you, sunshine.