
Hello everyone. I'm looking for people to play with on the disc. I just started playing recently, so if you are more experienced, I would gladly take a few lessons. I mainly play support (Sona, Morgana) but I can also play mid (Lux, Neeko). I don't play very seriously and sometimes just for relaxation, so I'm looking for people who are not focused on high ranks and don't get upset after two losses in a row. I usually play from 10:00 to 13:00 and from 16:00 to 21:00.
I have been playing LoL almost since the beta. I apologize for my Russian, I am from Estonia. I used to be a paid player, then I stopped playing LoL when Overwatch came out and many other games. Now I have started playing actively again. I am trying to write more to make it easier to find a person "a girl))", I am focused on pro play, well, we will see haha)). I mainly play Mid or Supp, I can also go Top. I think it will be fun, even just to talk during breaks from the game. I speak better than I write)). Well, everything else in private messages)).