I really want to find someone to play comfortably in the evening >< I used to play often, but not so much now because I'm balancing it with university. I would be happy to hang out and play in Discord in the evening! MSK +1 I play as supports, ADC, and I can go mid/top. I play on healing/stunning/buffing supports. I would be very glad if someone is found for joint play on the bottom lane, I'm tired of playing alone :з
3420 looking for a partner.
Looking for players for cooperative play, preferably for frequent games, as I have no one to play with. I mainly play support, but I can also play any other role. I hope for reasonable people, preferably 20+, time zone MSK +6 hours. I hope to find people with a similar time zone for more comfortable games.
Anata o fakku#RU1
Арбузер Киллджой#RU69
Looking for adequate people for a pleasant joint game in ARAM! Age, from 25 years old + Discord with quality voice, without noise and interference is available, you are required to have the same )) Gender and rank do not matter at all, I am not an elitist and do not look down on anyone. For communication, Discord is specified (sadpunkgerard), send requests to add there. Write!