3410 looking for a partner.
Imagine you log in to play a normal game, see me in the mid lane, write in chat "mid gap," and I get hard and become your little dog, ganking only your lane, running after you and throwing emotes. And here we are going duo, you still insult me for not coming on time and you died with the ADC, but you will tell me about macro and teach me to control the map, right?
Hello everyone! I want to find a dude for ranked, normals, etc. Just on a chill vibe and relaxed, no toxicity!! Let's play together, have some laughs, and get a bit frustrated! Also, hang out on Discord and maybe play other games (I play everything) in general, don't be shy, message me, I'm happy to chat with everyone!!! 🥹 Ps: I basically play all roles and if needed, I can support hard.
Дочь бездны#1206
bored Jhin main, lf duo pref supp, for ranked, or anything for fun, dm me on dis : _iiclaw_