5589 looking for a partner.
I want to find a good player to play League in a trio or more, happy to everyone, I have a friend who only plays support, I can go to any lane, but I prioritize mid. I don't like to be toxic, and I'm calm during games (although I do get frustrated sometimes). I would be glad to spend some time with someone.
Looking for people for ranked games (both casual and serious). I would like to gather a team and play flexible/clash in 5s. Preferably fun guys, so no extreme tryharding, screaming, and toxic players. A game is a game, if we lose this one - we will win another. +20, egoists, and people who can't put two words together when meeting - pass. I play +4 MSK, as a person with a sleep schedule.
akashi seijuro#swag
akashi seijuro#swag
Hello everyone, I see that half of the people here are experiencing a spring flare-up, and I'm looking for good people to join my server, let's say I'm bringing it back to life, preferably more girls, but have any guys ever refused you? In general, come by, I'll be glad, I usually play top because Kentic is in mid. Waiting for everyone 🖤