![Summoner rank](/images/league/ranks/iron.webp)
Looking for a single Flex player, we have a 4 stack already. You can play in your preferred role. Join us thanks :))
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Looking for a single Flex player, we have a 4 stack already. You can play in your preferred role. Join us thanks :))
I would be happy to play with anyone whose profiles do not resemble job requirements and who have less than 30 active duo games, and for a casual game, you need to sign up for the queue a few days in advance. Such people scare me 0.0 All soul-saving proposals different from LoL are gladly considered. Other games, movies, or just listening to music, for those who are interested in that.
The previous four splits were Emerald, and this season I've been stuck in Platinum 4 for a week because my team always has trolls like support Rek'Sai, Elise, Veigar, and teammates with weak mentality. I play decently and well, I'm looking for a really strong player, please find me and help me rank up at least from Platinum 4 to Platinum 3. Have mercy on the poor guy, or my nerves will give out.
Looking for someone to climb elos in flex