7183 looking for a partner.


A man walks into a bar. He sits at the counter and puts a small dog without legs next to him on the counter. He orders a bottle of vodka and drinks it. The bartender asks: — What's the dog's name? The man (emotionally, wiping a tear): — What difference does it make, damn it, call it... don't call it... — it won't come anyway.



A meeting is taking place in the Reichstag, attended by Hitler, Himmler, and Müller. Stirlitz enters, places a tray of oranges on the table, takes documents from the safe, and leaves. Hitler, in anger: — Who is this? Himmler and Müller in unison: — This is the Russian spy Isaev. Hitler: — Alright, arrest him! — It's useless. He'll say he brought the oranges...

Silvers Rayleigh#8596