6827 looking for a partner.
Looking for a duo for pleasant evenings in LoL. I play normals and ranked. I have a strong desire to climb in rank, but before that, I would like to play together. To see the pace of the game, communication, and just chat. I would be happy to hear advice on micro and macro play, maybe some tips and just useful advice. I can tilt but I play until victory. My main prime time is from 1 to 9 MSK.
гомокок в клоаке#ftbls
Твоя Фанатка#love
I would like to find a party for playing normals/ranked/other modes. I play in my free time, mostly in the evenings (+1 MSK). Sometimes I play while having a beer, but mostly I try to play to win. I don't tilt at the team and I don't like it when others do. I want to have fun and enjoy spending time playing in our "beloved" League of Legends.
Ивар Злобоглаз#RU1
I would like a partner. I play in all roles. Main role is top. Main playing time in League is not in the morning (after 1:00 PM MSK). I play all modes. If I'm struggling, I play safe. I don't yell at teammates in Discord (in-game I go hard (not at Discord teammates)). I will take a streak from whoever you fed.