6828 looking for a partner.
Looking for a duo/team for pleasant evenings in LoL. I play normals and ranked. I have a strong desire to climb in rank, but before that, I would like to play together. To see the game tempo, communication, and just socialize. I can tilt but I play until victory. My main prime time is from 1 to 9 MSK. (Someone really copied this profile lol)
Худший в мире#LFSup
I want to find decent players for my rank. I win my lane or at least don't lose it. I'm tired of playing with randoms. My main lanes are top and mid. If necessary, I can play any lane. I can play both tempo champions and scaling ones. Not toxic at all, sociable. Ideally, I want to find a full team to boost my rank. Anyone interested, please write.