7093 looking for a partner.
Перси Джуксон#Перси
I am a top/jungle looking for a partner(s) to play duo/normals/flex and any modes (the main thing is to have a good time). I am not picky about teammates, not toxic. I play in the evenings and on weekends, I play on EUW/RU. I have a very good attitude towards positive and adequate players, add me and let's play.
Hello. I’m probably looking for a team to play flex, but I don’t mind just playing. I have two roles in which I normally play Les and Top. So choose where you need me most :)
The Last Virgin#Feed
Looking for a partner 18+ in Normals/ARAM/TFT/Duo. I communicate like a mirror, if the interlocutor is talkative/funny, then I become the same. I love to chill and play Normals/ARAM and TFT, I don't get aggressive with my partner. Besides League, I'm open to other games as well, we can watch something together during breaks.