7106 looking for a partner.
Кошачий поцелуй#myr
I'm looking for nice girls for my team. I love Vi, I play support with Lux. I can also take almost any support. In the jungle, I have Diana as a substitute, or in case of emergency, Evelynn. First of all, I'm looking for pleasant communication with nice girls, because guys in this game are quite boring. Waiting for you))
ПраваяРука Сетта#RU1
Good day, dear ones, I am looking for people for a team. What I require from you: adequacy, understanding of the game, participation in the server's life, and a good mood! Right now we are playing for fun (fun within reasonable limits) (Preferred roles: top, mid, jungle, we also welcome newcomers, we will help with learning the game) Discord - ADvL#5312