7101 looking for a partner.
Looking for teammates to play ranked or normals in LoL. Main role is jungle, rarely play top, but if needed, I will do it. Main champions: Kayn, Kha'Zix, Rengar, and I also play various junglers. I'm learning to play Fiddlesticks. I'm not toxic or a tryhard, I still make a lot of mistakes, but I'm trying to improve.
убил человека#FRST
Warning, the cyber-sport is intense, but I need a premade, to have fun in normals (and maybe in ranked), as well as to tryhard. It's preferable to treat League as a game, not as the meaning of life, and to not complain after every loss. Hugs to everyone, lifted you up, kissed you. Waiting for applications in DM on Discord or LoL, you can also reach me on VK.