7099 looking for a partner.
Ветра Северa#RU1
Looking for a partner who will take the game seriously in full pot, regardless of your gender, the main thing is if you feed, then that's already good, add me, and also someone with whom you can have fun in normals sometimes, but ranked mode is a priority, age doesn't matter, the main thing is what kind of player you are.
Jvcki Woof#EUNE
Looking for a partner for duo games in any modes on a regular basis (ideally arams/tft/normals). Server ru/west. I'm not toxic, usually not very talkative, but I believe I can talk to you!! I play top lane on the best and most loyal little dog of the canyon - Warwick. If we play normals, rank doesn't matter, but for ranked games, C-G, your role can be anything except top.