6427 looking for a partner.
Hello higher life forms of this planet, I came here to play in the league, trolled back and forth, if anyone wants to play with me, I think I will drag your bright soul straight to paradise and to victory ofc. Add me if you have been sentenced to a lifetime banana, I will also clean up your sins and in the morning a turtle will come out. Girls welcome! Let's add each other! Rank no lower than gold. Good game to everyone.
I'm playing on a new account, the old one got stolen, I haven't played for a year, I used to reach master rank, my skill seems to be intact, but I can't judge, I'm looking for a decent ADC 18+ to play bot lane, preferably someone smart and not feeding under tower, if anyone plays other lanes, feel free to add me) It's more fun together anywhere...)
I'm a beginner in LoL, but I have experience with MOBAs (Dota, almost 8 years); ideally, I need someone who plays top or mid; I want to reach level 30 for ranked and can start playing there; champion pool: Kayn, Viego, Lee Sin, and Master Yi; you can tilt, get angry, etc., but make it constructive (it would even be better if you point out my mistakes); I play only from 21:00 to ~04:00 MSK.