7111 looking for a partner.
I Love Leona#RU1
I just want to find adequate and competent players who PLAY TO WIN. Ranks or normals don't matter. I'm looking for people from the Far East or those who play in the MSK +8 hours. I'm just tired of constantly encountering trolls, inadequate players, or some other nonsense that creates chaos in the game. Favorite champs: Leona (top, mid, support); Talon (mid); Garen (top); Shen (top); Jhin (ADC).
I Love Leona#RU1
I just want to find adequate and competent players who PLAY TO WIN. Ranks or normals don't matter. I'm looking for people from the Far East. I'm just tired of constantly encountering trolls, inadequate players, or some other nonsense that creates chaos in the game. Favorite champs: Leona (top, mid, support) Talonn (mid) Garen (top) Shen (top) Jhin (ADC)