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I'm looking for a friend to play with (I've just started playing the game), to talk, to be friends, and all that sort of thing 0: (maybe for a relationship, but I'm very shy and live far away) I'm quite sociable and quickly get attached to a person, but at first, I can be very shy I've been playing the game for a short time, and it would be nice to spend time together in the game or on Discord.
Looking for people to play with a can of beer. Prioritizing normals and flexible (duo q, if not enough people join), jungle and support are occupied, but we can swap occasionally. Don't suggest TFT. I live +4 and sleep at night. Preferably 20+. PS. I'm not gathering a server of 500+ people, just 5-6 stable people. PS2. I would like to gather people for Clash on 20.07 (1st tier (with beer))