13221 looking for a partner.
Hi) I'm 23 years old, I'm looking for friends to play with! I prefer Ahri, Lux, Neeko, Syndra. I should clarify that I don't plan to play in a full party, duo-trio at most. I don't have Discord and I won't download it either. Sometimes I curse, but I'm not toxic, I play calmly. Add me via the link on Telegram)
unsolved murder#EUW
akashi seijuro#swag
Ladies and gentlemen. We are looking for a fifth person for the team in Clash, which will be on the 27th-28th. We preferably need a support, from silver rank and above. The rest of the team is assembled, we are all very kind and friendly, we haven't learned to argue yet, we mostly play in the evenings. If you find us quickly, we can play flex for practice. Good luck!