13218 looking for a partner.
Summoner name: T1 KIXMIO#001 (I don't know why the program doesn't read it correctly here) Looking for a good team that will play Clash tomorrow, and just friends. I'm very tired of requests to surrender, tilting, inting, and demoralization from allies. Some probably important info: I'm 19, I’m on Discord without mute, I main support and midlane. Waiting for you to add me as a friend)
убил человека#FRST
Aки Хаякавa#RU1
Бухой Ёжик#RU1
I'm looking for someone to play and have fun with. It would be great if you could help me rank up, but that's not so important. We can play normals, TFT, and ARAMs. I hope you're not too young, as I prefer to play on Discord (my nickname is МочаНаМиде#6666). The site just doesn't recognize this account.