13178 looking for a partner.
I'm looking for someone to play with. Basically, I want to find an ADC to climb to Emerald with, but I'm also okay with just hanging out with you in normals. I mainly play utility supports, but I can also play Leona or Taric. Sometimes I go top or jungle, even less often I play mid or ADC. If necessary, I can use Discord, but mostly I will be silent.
Looking for an ADC (Bot) for joint play with nerves of steel. Preferably low level (even a beginner is fine). Don't want someone too high (enough with constant games against 200+). I'm almost 100. If we play well together, that would be great. I'm looking for a low level to make it easier to explain the mechanics and understand how it will go :) I'm a top main, switched to support. I play aggressively.
Mains - yasuo, zed, yone, gangplank, ekko, sylas Агрессивный стиль игры
Kalista mid player, Jhin main, played Shaco, Hecarim. Ready to be your support, especially if you crave to play crazy combos, like: Cho'Gath & Leona, Anivia & Poppy, etc. Ready to perfect such a combo to perfection. Also, I am looking for a confident jungler for Kalista or a support (especially Lulu players).