
Hi, I'm a beginner in the game. I play champions: Lee Sin, Kindred, and Talon. I'm looking for a permanent partner to reach level 30 and go ranked together. Requirements for a teammate: you are not toxic and in defeat, you blame not your team, but try to improve your game. I want to play duo, no random extra people needed.
Hello everyone, I started playing recently (about 3-4 months ago). I mainly play normals and ranked, but I can play ARAM. My mains in bot lane: Sivir, Lucian, and Senna. Support: Sona, Senna, Blitzcrank, and Soraka. Top: Ornn and Yorick. Mid: Talon. Jungle (haven't played in a while): Jarvan and Talon. If you want to play, please message me on Discord Arbidol#0164.