13177 looking for a partner.
Looking for a support position! My champions: Draven (main), Varus, Ezreal... I play to climb the rank, planning to gather people for participation in tournaments from cybermos.ru. What I need from you: be goal-oriented and stress-resistant. I mainly play in the evening according to Irkutsk time from 18:30 OP.GG: kentabr5427 League of graphs: kentabr5427 Message me in-game and look for me on Discord, I will be glad!))
kill a man#FRST1
Sup, only sup. Any supps, even non-supps in supps. I play for fun, so toxic princesses with inflated egos are not interesting. Your rank doesn't matter to me, skill neither, what's important is the ability to communicate normally and laugh at funny moments. Message me on Discord (messages like "go" instead of "hi" = ego) and we will discuss everything there.