12768 looking for a partner.
Looking for people to play with a can of beer. Prioritizing normals and flexible (duo q, if not enough people join), jungle and support are occupied, but we can swap occasionally. Don't suggest TFT. I live +4 and sleep at night. Preferably 20+. PS. I'm not gathering a server of 500+ people, just 5-6 stable people. PS2. I would like to gather people for Clash on 20.07 (1st tier (with beer))
Red Mercury#RU1
Looking for people to play with a can of beer. Prioritizing normals and flexible (duo q, if not enough people gather). No TFT offers. ARAM as a last resort (if we have 4-5 and we are chill). I live +4 and sleep at night. Preferably 20+. PS. I'm not gathering a server of 500+ people, just 5-6 stable people. PS2. I would like to gather people for Clash on 20.07.
Doбрый V1ruS#MidR
Looking for a player to rank up, I warn you right away, we play while we climb, then we part ways. If you get into my soul, then maybe we'll play more. In the game, I'm not chatty and only speak when necessary. Support veteran with 10 years of experience, reached diamond, now dropped to bronze and I'm trying to get through hell again, if you can help, then join in.