13184 looking for a partner.
OTP Kalista, looking for a support 18+, if you play Lux and similar supports, we won't get along. The best picks are tank supports and Renata Glasc, as well as Sona (main only). A stable internet connection and FPS are also required; without this, sorry, there's basically no point in playing ranked. Check the relevance of the request by messaging me personally, I'm in the league for the long haul.
БаБКа В кЕдАХ#fsf
БаБКа В кЕдАХ#fsf
Hello! D25, Ural (MSK+2) Looking for a permanent ADC. I don't often play ranked, but once I start - I aim for gold. I play on G5-S1, main Yuumi/Nami/Leona. Must have voice chat, 18+ Prime time - 12-23 MSK. I really don't welcome tilt, aggression, and dead inside people :) I love silly memes, I curse in moderation, and I support pop and geek culture topics. In general, it will be interesting :3