13118 looking for a partner.
Not toxic, looking for a teammate possibly to find a full team, I want to climb to at least Platinum as soon as possible, yes, possibly high goals, but I know what I have to do and I'm ready to give it my all. Surprised that I play Mid and Jungle? If not, feel free to ask in DMs)) Mid: Veigar/Tristana, rarely Ahri Jungle: Amumu/Kha'Zix/Bel'Veth
Hello everyone, we are Duo (but I can play alone) looking for a team for comfortable gaming. My picks are Viego, Nocturne, Bel'Veth, and support Thresh, Zeri. My friend plays top, mid, and support on Irelia. We are communicative, accept criticism, and are composed. I hope for a good game in the stormy times😘