13224 looking for a partner.
I'm looking for someone to play with, preferably a group of people. Prime time varies, from afternoon or evening and usually until late (5-6 AM Moscow time). Preferably 18+, good mic and the ability to take breaks from League in other games. As for the rest, I don't know, you can ask in private messages.
over heit#RU1
Tiis Namikaze#RU1
Арбузер Киллджой#RU69
RU server MyChemicalRomance#7883 I would like to try participating in a CLASH tournament for ARAM. If there is a team looking for an ARAM player - let me know! Age: 25+, gender of participants does not matter at all. I would be happy if I could just find a teammate for joint ARAM games. Wishing everyone well For contact Discord. Write!