Looking for someone to play with. I love hanging out in normals or burning in ranked, you can even not invite me to ARAM. I mainly play utility supports, but I can also play Leona, Thresh, or Taric. Sometimes I go top or jungle, even less often I play mid or ADC. I can play with Discord if that's more convenient for you, although I'm not particularly chatty. Good luck to everyone.
2521 looking for a partner.
Two Lamps#EUNE
I am rus. Play: vayne, mf, kalista, samira. Fine frends for game
If you have no one to play with, I invite you to my server, here you will find good, moderately toxic people. We play not only League of Legends, so it will be fun. About me: I used to be a top player on the server, now I have fun on all lanes. In games with me, you might encounter Sett with crits, AD Mordekaiser, tank Teemo, AD Darius, etc. Message me on Discord, let's have some fun!
If you have no one to play with, I invite you to my server, here you will find good, moderately toxic people. We play not only League of Legends, so it will be fun. About me: I used to be a top player on the server, now I enjoy playing all lanes. In games with me, you might encounter Sett with crits, AD Mordekaiser, tank Teemo, AD Darius, etc. Message me on Discord, let's have some fun!