854 looking for a partner.
Support is looking for a fun ADC for ranked games (great iron) and normals on a regular basis. I play on Hecarim/Swain/Thresh and sometimes on other healers/warders. I want you to be familiar with youth slang and jokes, but no toilet humor, please. As for ADC, I consider Jhin/Draven/Ezreal/Aphelios. Age from 16 to 21 years. I don't like boring and tedious people, communication and voice chat through Telegram.
Hello everyone, I'm looking for a duo on bot 18+, I play many supports (currently Lulu, Milio). Overall, I have a regular group, but we don't play ranked. I would like to rank up, and it's boring to play alone. I can complain about others, only to my own in response. I think I play decently, I adapt quickly to my teammates (but I have some bad habits). But I would be happy to learn something new.