2411 looking for a partner.
Hi there. I'm looking for a duo partner to rank up (priority is support)! I play after 8 PM Moscow time, until around midnight (if I don't get tired) - with Discord. I can also play during the day, but only WITHOUT Discord. ADC main, that's Ashe, Kai'Sa, Shyvana, Seraphine, Caitlyn, I can also play some Ezreal; Support main - all the girls who ward + Nautilus, Leona, Taric (+-), Thresh/ I don't bite and love everyone, message me <3
Hi there. I'm looking for a duo partner to rank up (priority is support)! I play after 8 PM Moscow time, until around midnight (if I don't get tired) - with Discord. I can also play during the day, but only WITHOUT Discord. ADC main, that's Ashe, Kai'Sa, Xayah, Seraphine, Caitlyn, I can also play some Ezreal; support main - all the girls who ward + Nautilus, Leona, Taric (+-), Thresh. I don't bite and love everyone, message me <3
Futa Kai Sa#Futa
I am primarily looking for a support who can handle an aggressive ADC (like Tristana, Lucian, Zeri, etc.), but is also open to playing with good mid laners or top laners in the jungle position. Must have Discord. My picks for bot: Tristana, Lucian, Twitch, Jinx, Zeri. My picks for jungle: Shyvana, Nunu, Amumu.