177 looking for a partner.
EUW bronze, I play top (Aatrox, Vladimir, Nasus, Garen) / jungle (Karthus, Shaco, Kindred, Shyvana). I want to play clash tier 4, but unfortunately, I need a team, which I don't have. I also want wins in ranks, a strong duo player would be helpful. I have a microphone, but chatting during the game doesn't interest me.
too few characters are given for a comment, so I will write briefly: I am looking for strong players of all roles for flex, clash (tier 4), and duo queue. serious play is needed, without fools who write in chat and get distracted by random teammates. I also see no point in going into a duo queue party with a teammate who plays for their own rank - it makes the game even harder than in solo.
Wizki#0 0 0
I want to find an ADC to play in Europe in duo or a full party with a top laner, mid laner, etc. I want to find a permanent teammate(s) (not just for a couple of games). It's even possible to create a server on Discord. Playing with randoms is impossible, it's hard to coordinate actions and tactics through chat properly.