95 looking for a partner.
OTP top lane Gragas 65% win rate. I can also play Kled, Gwen, Sion, Urgot, Poppy depending on the matchup. Additionally, if autofilled, I play jungle on Udyr/Nunu. I am 17 years old and have been playing League for 2-3 years, I have accounts in Russia and Japan. I want to try to reach Platinum this season, looking for a teammate for jungle/mid (other roles are fine too), with a decent microphone and a sense of humor, preferably on a permanent basis.
Good day, this is a support main, former top main, I understand the game quite well, returned to LoL after a long time. I am looking for a player for duo (or a team) for chill games, (communication, possibly even friendship)) in any mode - normals, ranked, arams, it doesn't matter. Gender and age are not important, as well as voice, since I can sometimes play without it. Everything else we can discuss, please write.
Wistfull fool#0000
I have never played at the maximum rank, but even with wild feeding and trolling, I haven't dropped below Platinum V. I'm looking for someone with a voice, so there will be one less 0-10-0 in the team. Another troll account - WeakestAdcISWEAR. As seen from the game history, the elo is far above Platinum.