13362 looking for a partner.

Юми 3000#3000

Would like to climb out of elo hell. Started the game from season 1 on until 2014. Started over 2 months ago. First on toplane now jungle main. Playing carry Jungler for more impact in solo queue, mainly Master Yi atm but working on other picks. Playing every second evening and night due to my 3 year old twins.

나는 더 강해질 것이다#000

- looking for duo -- from me (half a year in the game) jungle player Desire to grow into a high elo player, not to sit and suffer with nonsense in low (like 70% of the community does) -- from you any role, any gender. from silver 2 and above (will even consider super high elo players who can mentor me like a true sensei) 18+ looking for duo