13273 looking for a partner.
top - Yorick, Tryndamere, Warwick, Garen, Vladimir jungle - Shaco, Nidalee, Zac, Viego, Karthus goal: to reach the highest ranks while playing favorite champions I am interested in duoq, clash, and other team activities wishes for teammates: 20+ years old, absence of toxicity, strong mentality, stable online presence, clarity in role and champion pool, desire to improve
Mercy For Weak#RU1
Looking for a teammate, friend, or girlfriend for regular and chill games, and just for chatting) no swearing, insults, or other internet interactions :) Skill is absolutely not important, even if you're a complete noob) I usually play in the evenings, the specified account is a smurf, I've been playing since season 7, I play almost all ADCs, in mid I play Yasuo, Irelia, Akali, Katarina, Ahri, add me on Discord)