12893 looking for a partner.




Looking for a duo party on EUW, would like to find a support, but it's not that crucial. I mainly play ADC, but I can also pick jungle (previous main role). OTP Nila (750 in the player list for Nila (https://www.leagueofgraphs.com/summoner/euw/EBLAN+iz+AYAYANI-KABAN)). I'm also open to playing flexible and clash.

always a failure#solo

I'm looking for a girl Yuumi-Lulu player who will take me. Rank doesn't matter, but there are some nuances that I will explain in private messages. I'm a full noob, I hate myself, just like I hate all people, especially if you have !friends! (write only if you're ready to give up all friends/teammates in the first few days)

Финский снайпер#M28