371 looking for a partner.
Looking for a team on any of the servers: (EUNE, EUW, LAN, LAS, KR) Rank on EUW: Season 8 (Gold) Season 9 (Challenger 300lp) Season 10 (Grandm) Season 11 (Challenger 1100lp) Roles: Carry/Jungler/Solo* Ready to join a normal team in (CIS) where there will be no problems with gathering and communication, even if you are diamond or platinum, feel free to write, we can discuss.
Clash is coming up and I need a team. The last tournament was lost due to the team's lack of coordination. Therefore, something needs to change. This time I will be the leader and whatever will be, will be. My role is jungler, but I can also play ADC. I need: a cautious top laner, an aggressive mid laner, a fearless ADC, and a tank support.
just chill party ranked without negativity without rage, we are not robots everyone makes mistakes, I play jungle only on Eve, sometimes spider sometimes throws in support there either cow or log, by time evening sometimes during the day sometimes all day, the main thing is without negativity too frequent tilting will lead to divorce and maiden name wishing everyone well