6827 looking for a partner.
Богиня из Dabro #RU1
My name is Maxim, 18 years old. I've been playing League for a couple of years, not particularly interested in ranked, I play just to pass the time and have fun. I play at an average level, to be honest. I also enjoy unconventional picks. I don't curse. I might get frustrated about things like "-half HP at two, balance" etc., but I never leave a game no matter how bad my mood is (unless the game crashes or something happens).
I need a partner who won't run away from me in all directions, just to get away from me! ...I've been thinking for about 10 minutes about what else to write... this is my only problem really... the lack of a TEAM in a TEAM game... well... I would like someone who won't give up due to a bad start, ._.