6827 looking for a partner.
Looking for a teammate 20+ years old, to get a chalice in duo. My main champs: Nasus, Jax, Shen. I am new to this game, this is not a smurf! Before league, I played another MOBA - HotS, reached Master. In a teammate, I am interested in: stability, motivation to play, absence of toxicity, and understanding the concept of "playing at a distance." Playing while drinking beer - not for me!
гриб грибок#RU1
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Tsun Chan#RU1
D24. Looking for a cozy Discord server with somewhat adequate people for games in a group or just chatting. I play all lanes except top. Lux, Eve, MF main. I mostly play in the evenings according to Moscow time. Flex, normals, ARAM, TFT. If you're looking for a purring little warding kitty - then I'm not the one for you)